Combined Lactate Threshold & VO2max Test
Provided in partnership with The Endurance Coach Training Systems

What are Lactate Threshold and VO2max?
This test is the ultimate in building a physiological profile of your current fitness, measuring both sub-maximal and maximal capacity. You can read full details about both the VO2 and lactate testing protocols by selecting either test from our 'services' menu above. The combined test includes both lactate and VO2 in the same session. It is a slightly different protocol but gives you more data and a more thorough assessment.
What are the test procedures?
This test takes place on a treadmill, Wattbike, or your own bike depending upon your circumstances. The
LT test will commence first, this includes starting at an easy 'all day' intensity before the speed/power output is gradually raised in 3-4 minute stages. The test terminates once you reach a pre-determined sub-maximal point. Following a 5-10 minute easy recovery block, the VO2max test will commence. Intensity is gradually increased every minute until you cannot sustain the required workload and you are voluntarily forced to stop the test.

How much is a test and how do I book?
The full cost for Combined Lactate Threshold and VO2max test is £90, the session will last approximately 1.5 - 2 hours. Following that, we’ll briefly discuss your results and then provide your report & summary via email, unlike others we actively promote people to raise questions and keep in touch!
To book and enquire about availability, please email